The correct title of this article is C#. The substitution of the # is due to technical restrictions.
What is C#:
- general-purpose high-level programming language supporting multiple paradigms.
- very similar to Java programming language.
- invented by Anders Hejlsberg, Scott Wiltamuth, and Peter Golde from Microsoft.
- firstly distributed in 2000
C# runtimes
.NET Framework (now discontinued) is the first runtime and compiler for C#. It is a closed-source and proprietary developed by Microsoft
Mono is free and open-source cross-platform compiler and runtime environment for C#. Mono project began in 2004.
.NET Core is the free and open-source runtime for C# developed by Microsoft and firstly published in 2016. The name .NET Core was later shortened to .NET.
C# web browser runtimes
Blazor (